Abortion Counseling – Georgia

Georgia is implementing a new law that requires all patients to be counseled on their decision at least 24 hours before their appointment. Please listen to the following information, which is meant to help you make an informed decision. Please remember, reproductive choice is indeed your decision!

There are particular medical risks involved with both terminating a pregnancy and continuing a pregnancy to term.

The risks for terminating a pregnancy surgically are less than 3% and may include, but are not limited to the following: incomplete procedure, adverse reaction to medications, abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, infection, injury to the uterus, bladder, or bowel. Again, these complications are very unlikely and occur in less than 3% of all patients. The risks for terminating a pregnancy medically may include, but are not limited to the following: incomplete procedure, heavy bleeding, or adverse reactions to medications.

The risks involved with carrying a pregnancy to term may include, but are not limited to the following: severe complications during labor and delivery, uncontrolled bleeding and blood clots in the lungs, seizures and/or abnormal functioning of the heart, complications with anesthesia, or high blood pressure.

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